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Is Bitcoin Rising or Falling?

Some think that Bitcoin is on its way to a projected top cap of about one million dollars per coin. On the other hand, many others believe that it is quickly headed to worthlessness. In reality, no one can say

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How does Cloud Mining Bitcoin work?

If you wish to make an investment in bitcoin mining without managing your own hardware you have the option of using the cloud in order to earn your coins. There are three main types of cloud mining which are available

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Why use Bitcoin? Because It Is Fast, Easy, Cheap And Private!

Why use bitcoin? Because It Is Fast, Easy, Cheap And Private! Some Important Features and Advantages Of Bitcoin are: The most important feature of bitcoin is that it is decentralized and is not controlled by a single authority all the

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Inventor Of Bitcoin Turns Out To Become The Richest People Around The World

For a minute on Sunday, Bitcoin’s secretive, mysterious originator was ranked at the 44th spot of the richest person worldwide. The clueless Satoshi Nakamoto who had been making the most of her or his Sunday, because Bitcoin had hit record

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The Bitcoin Ride of 2017

2017 was an explosive year for Bitcoin, including forks, impressive price growth and teeth-grinding drops in overall worth. While there has already been a lot learned about the cryptocurrency, the uncharted waters that lie ahead leave more uncertainty about what

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Investment Into Bitcoin By Companies

Those who invested in Bitcoin throughout 2017 know that it is a year they will never forget. Cryptocurrencies, which are the tokens associated with blockchain, sit in an asset class that currently worth an astounding six hundred billion dollars. This

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